Ms Crafty: where craftiness rules supreme...

Monday, June 13, 2005

The Red Badge of Courage...

I've now officially got one. What is it? Why it is, of course, the badge color of a contractor at a health care company. I used to have a badge like this when I was a contractor for the Postal Service (many eons ago).

Back in those days, contractors were like second class couldn't use the employee gym, didn't get many perks, and sometimes were hassled by the guards (yes they had guarded entrances at their HQ and probably still do).

At the good 'ol usps, folks would talk to you in the elevator and then look down and see your "Red Badge of Courage" and recoil in horror, as if it was "The Scarlet Letter"...let's just say the chit-chat would dwindle...

I'm really not too sure what it was all about...somehow I managed to find it all infuriating, yet hilarious at the same time.

I never thought I'd be revisiting that system, yet here I am...with an all-new shiny red badge of courage...and it's going to take some courage and alot of moxie to transition into this job.

My last job was super stressful with short project turnarounds and zero time for good time the breathe let alone try to create an innovative, smart design.

At the new place, things move on a much slower pace. I've got oodles of time to just noodle around with stuff. They don't care when I get in, they don't care when I leave, and none of the projects I was assigned today even have due dates.

For some folks, that's a blessing. I'm thinking in the end it might drive me crazy...I feel like I work better when I've got deadlines...yes, I know I can create my own deadlines. But those are my own deadlines...I know that they can be blown off forever...

Anyway, let's hope change is good.

Plus, I've got a handy retractable badge thingy...which was completely and totally free--even to contractors...

Also, I might have already picked up a stalker on day one...we shall see...

And, in case you are wondering, these are my post-work apartment pants. I mean, I have to dress business casual and all (no denim fabric) so I can't wait to get home and put on some comfy loungewear. Of course, if you know me, you know even when I could wear jeans to work I couldn't wait to get home and put on loungewear...

What can I say...I just love the loungewear!


At 5:05 PM, Blogger KB said...

what are apartment pants?

At 9:21 PM, Blogger ms. crafty said...

it's a sneaky word for lounge SO HATES pjs and lounge wear so we call 'em my apartment pants...

sadly, the term came from an episode of "Friends"


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