Ms Crafty: where craftiness rules supreme...

Monday, July 18, 2005

Not just any shoes will do...

So I recently started working downtown. Yay! My commute has gotten so much easier now that I leisurely stroll to work. You know you're jealous.

The only problem so far has been that it isn't easy walking a mile each way in businessy shoes. I really do not want to be one of those ladies who wears the white sneakers and athletic socks with her suit , then changes shoes at her desk. Those women gross me out. Especially those wearing pantyhose.
(Note: I don't actually wear suits, though I own a couple left over from my stint at USPS corporate HQ in DC...but I digress...)

That said, unless I find a cute comfy walking black maryjane I'm going to keep spending my weekends in foot recovery mode. I think i had at least 5 bandaids per foot this weekend...

I do know about zappos, and I will definitely be ordering something from them...the question is what? Danskos? Fluevogs?

Any suggestions? Sadly I might order at least two pairs of shoes knowing I'm only going to keep one...

I mean, there's something to be said for walking to work in stylish comfort, right?

Of course, until I actually decide on some shoes I'll be continually patching up my poor, mangled feet...


At 8:45 PM, Blogger KB said...

decide on shoes yet? let's hit DSW tomorrow!


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